How to clean keyboard dust bunnies on your keyboard : A complete guide

By sikdermdarif


how to clean keyboard

If your keyboard is looking a little worse for wear, it’s probably time for a good cleaning. But before you start spraying down your keyboard with cleaning products, there are a few things you should know. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to clean keyboard dust bunnies on your keyboard – the right way.

Most of us spend a lot of time at our computers – and that means our keyboards get a lot of use (and abuse). Over time, keyboards can start to look pretty grungy, with dust bunnies lurking in all the nooks and crannies. And that’s not even mentioning what happens if you spill something on your keyboard!

So let’s get started!

How to clean the gerbil vacuum underneath your keyboard

​There are a few gerbil vacuums on the market these days. They are all slightly different, but the basic idea is the same. You insert the end of the vacuum into the keyboard and turn it on. The vacuum will then suck up all the dirt and dust that has accumulated under the keys.

One of the most popular gerbil vacuums is the Keyboard Groomer. This vacuum is specifically designed for cleaning keyboards. It comes with a number of different attachments, so you can reach all the nooks and crannies under the keys.

Another popular gerbil vacuum is the DustBuster. This vacuum is not specifically designed for keyboards, but it will do the job just as well. The DustBuster is a handheld vacuum, so it is easier to maneuver around the keyboard.

either of these vacuums, make sure you read the instructions carefully before use. You don’t want to damage your keyboard in the process of cleaning it!

If you don’t have a gerbil vacuum, you can also clean your keyboard with a can of compressed air. This is especially helpful if you have a mechanical keyboard with lots of crevices. Simply spray the compressed air into the keyboard and let it blast away the dirt and dust.

Keyboards are one of the dirtiest things in our homes. We use them every day, and we rarely think about cleaning them. But if you want to keep your keyboard clean and free of dirt and dust, a gerbil vacuum is the way to go!

how to clean a keyboard

How to clean between keys on a standard typewriter keyboard

​Are you someone who takes pride in having a clean keyboard? Do you like to keep things spick and span, free of any dirt or debris? If so, then you’re in luck! This guide will teach you how to clean between keys on a standard typewriter keyboard.

First, start by turning off your keyboard and unplugging it from your computer. Then, use a can of compressed air to blow any dirt or dust out from between the keys. Be sure to hold the can upright so that the air doesn’t get too hot and damage the keyboard.

Once the dust has been removed, you can start cleaning the keys themselves. For this, you’ll need a slightly dampened cloth and some mild soap. Gently wipe down each key, being careful not to get the cloth too wet. You don’t want toDamage the keys by saturating them with water.

Once you’ve cleaned all of the keys, you can use the same can of compressed air to blow out any soap residue. Be sure to dry the keys off completely before putting the keyboard back together.

And that’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can have a clean keyboard that looks and works like new.

How to clean a keyboard of your laptop or tablets

​Laptop and tablet keyboards can get pretty dirty, since they’re constantly being used and are often exposed to dust, crumbs, and other particles. Luckily, cleaning them is relatively simple and only takes a few minutes. Here’s how to clean a laptop or tablet keyboard:

  • Begin by unplugging the device from any power source.
  • Use a can of compressed air to blow away any loose debris from in between the keys.
  • Use a damp, lint-free cloth to wipe down the keys themselves. You can also use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean hard-to-reach areas.
  • If there are any stubborn spots, you can try using a mild soap and water solution. Just be sure to completely dry the keyboard afterwards so that no water is left behind.
  • Once the keyboard is clean, plug the device back in and you’re good to go!

How often should you clean your keyboard?

​How often should you clean your keyboard? Depending on how often you use your keyboard and what type of environment it’s in, you should clean your keyboard at least once a week. If you spill anything on your keyboard, clean it immediately to prevent any damage.

Your keyboard is one of the dirtiest things you touch on a daily basis. A study by the UK National Health Service found that the average office keyboard has more bacteria than a toilet seat. Yuck!

There are two types of keyboard cleaning: surface cleaning and deep cleaning. Surface cleaning is when you remove the visible dirt and debris from your keyboard. Deep cleaning is when you clean under the keys to remove all the dirt, dust, and grime that has built up over time.

For both surface and deep cleaning, you will need:

-A soft, lint-free cloth
-A can of compressed air (optional)
-An anti-static brush (optional)

To surface clean your keyboard:

  • Unplug your keyboard from your computer.
  • Turn your keyboard upside down and shake it gently to remove any crumbs or debris.
  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe down the top and sides of your keyboard. Pay special attention to the area around the keys and in between the keys.
  • If you have a can of compressed air, use it to blow out any dirt or dust that’s trapped in between the keys.
  • If your keyboard is still dirty, repeat steps 2-4 until it’s clean.

To deep clean your keyboard:

  • Unplug your keyboard from your computer.
  • Turn your keyboard upside down and shake it gently to remove any crumbs or debris.
  • Use a can of compressed air to blow out any dirt or dust that’s trapped in between the keys.
  • Use an anti-static brush to gently brush the tops of the keys to remove any build-up of dust or dirt.
  • If your keyboard is still dirty, repeat steps 2-4 until it’s clean.

What to use to clean keyboard dust bunnies

It seems like no matter how clean you keep your home, there always seems to be dust bunnies lurking in the corners. And if you have a keyboard, those dust bunnies can quickly multiply and become a big problem. Not only are they unsightly, but dust bunnies can actually damage your keyboard and cause it to malfunction.

So what can you do to get rid of those dust bunnies? Here are a few tips:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to vacuum the dust bunnies from your keyboard. Be sure to vacuum both the underside of the keys and in between them.
  • If your keyboard is really dirty, you can use a damp cloth to wipe it down. Just be sure not to use too much water, as this can damage your keyboard.
  • You can also use compressed air to blow the dust bunnies out of your keyboard. Just be sure to hold the can upright so that the air doesn’t damage the keyboard.
  • If you have a haptic keyboard, you can use a haptic keyboard cleaner to clean the dust bunnies from under the keys.
  • Finally, you can use a lint roller to pick up any remaining dust bunnies.

With these tips, you should be able to get rid of those dust bunnies once and for all!

how to clean keyboard without removing keys

We all know how important it is to keep our keyboards clean. Not only do keyboards get grimy from years of use, but they can also harbor dangerous bacteria. While it’s important to clean your keyboard regularly, it’s not always easy to do so without removing the keys. Here are some tips on how to clean your keyboard without removing the keys:

  • Use compressed air to blow away any dust or debris that has accumulated on the keys.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe down the keys, being careful not to get the cloth too wet.
  • Use a keyboard cleaner brush to reach all the nooks and crannies of the keys.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to vacuum the keyboard.
  • Use q-tips or cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean in between the keys.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your keyboard clean without having to remove the keys.

​What is the best way to clean a keyboard?

If you use your computer regularly, you know how important it is to keep everything clean – including your keyboard! Not only does it help your keyboard look nicer, but it also prevents build-up of dust and debris that can lead to problems like sticking keys. So what’s the best way to clean a keyboard?

There are a few different methods you can use, depending on how dirty your keyboard is and what materials you have on hand. For a quick cleanup, you can use a can of compressed air to blow away any dust or crumbs. Or, for a more thorough cleaning, you can remove the keycaps and clean them individually.

To remove the keycaps, first start by turning off your computer and unplugging the keyboard. Then, use a small screwdriver or other tool to pry up each keycap. Be careful not to break the keycaps, as they can be delicate. Once all the keycaps are off, you can use a damp cloth or cotton swab to clean underneath them.

If your keyboard is very dirty, you may want to soak the keycaps in a bowl of soapy water. Just be sure to rinse them thoroughly before putting them back on the keyboard! You can also use soapy water to clean the keyboard itself, but be careful not to get any water inside the electronics.

Once you’ve cleaned all the keycaps and the keyboard itself, let everything dry completely before putting the keycaps back on. Once everything is dry, plug in your keyboard and turn on your computer – and enjoy typing on a clean keyboard!

how to clean a keyboard of laptop or tablet

How to clean keyboard of your MacBook or MacBook Pro

Cleaning your keyboard is an important part of maintaining your MacBook or MacBook Pro. While regular cleaning with a damp cloth can keep your keyboard clean and free of debris, more thorough cleaning is sometimes necessary. Here are some tips on how to clean your keyboard:

  • Unplug your MacBook or MacBook Pro from any power source.
  • Flip your computer over so that the keyboard is facing down.
  • Use a can of compressed air to blow any dust or debris out from between the keys. Be sure to hold the can upright so that the air flows in a downward direction.
  • Use a cotton swab dampened with water or rubbing alcohol to clean around the keys. Be sure to wring out the cotton swab first so that it is not dripping wet.
  • Once you have finished cleaning, allow the keyboard to air dry completely before plugging your computer back in.

If you spill something on your keyboard, it is important to act quickly. Use a dry, absorbent cloth to blot up any liquid. Do not attempt to wipe the spill away, as this can spread the liquid and make the spill larger. Once you have blotted up as much of the liquid as possible, use a can of compressed air to blow any debris or residue out from between the keys. Allow the keyboard to air dry completely before using it again.

If your keyboard is particularly dirty or stained, you may need to use a mild cleaning solution. Make a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, and dampen a clean cloth with the mixture. Gently rub the cloth over the keys, being careful not to get any liquid inside the keyboard. Once you have finished cleaning, rinse the keys with a damp cloth, and then use a dry cloth to blot them dry.

Keyboard cleaning is an important part of maintaining your MacBook or MacBook Pro. By following these simple tips, you can keep your keyboard clean and free of debris, and spills.

How to clean mechanical keyboard

If you’re like most people, your keyboard is one of the dirtiest things in your home. But don’t worry, there are some easy ways to clean it and keep it looking like new.

One of the best ways to clean a keyboard is to use a vacuum cleaner with a small attachment. Vacuum the keys and the area around the keys, being careful not to vacuum the actual circuitry. You can also use compressed air to blow dust and dirt out of the keyboard.

To clean the keys themselves, you can use a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to rinse the keys thoroughly and dry them before putting them back on the keyboard. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe down the keys.

If your keyboard is very dirty, you may need to disassemble it to clean it properly. Follow the instructions in your keyboard’s manual for how to do this. Once you’ve disassembled the keyboard, you can clean it with a mild soap and water solution, being careful not to get any water on the actual circuitry. Again, be sure to rinse and dry the keyboard thoroughly before reassembling it.

If you have a haptic keyboard, you’ll need to take special care when cleaning it. Haptic keyboards have special sensors that can be easily damaged by water or other fluids. To clean a haptic keyboard, use a dry, soft cloth to wipe down the keys. If there is any stubborn dirt or grime, you can use a mild soap and water solution, but be sure to rinse and dry the keyboard thoroughly afterwards.

No matter what type of keyboard you have, cleaning it regularly will help it last longer and perform better. So don’t be afraid to give your keyboard a little TLC!


The keyboard is one of the most important parts of a computer, and it is also one of the most neglected. When was the last time you cleaned your keyboard? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. keyboard getting dirty. Dust, dirt, and hair can all build up on a keyboard and make it harder to type. Not to mention, it can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

So, how do you clean a keyboard? Well, it’s actually not that difficult. You just need to follow a few simple steps.

First, unplug the keyboard from your computer. Then, turn it over and shake it out. This will help to remove any large pieces of dirt or dust.

Next, use a can of compressed air to blow out any smaller pieces of dirt and dust. Be sure to hold the can upright so that the air doesn’t get too cold and damage the keyboard.

Once you’ve blown out the keyboard, you can start cleaning the keys themselves. For this, you’ll need a slightly damp cloth. Gently wipe down each key, being careful not to get the cloth too wet.

If there are any stubborn dirt or dust buildups, you can use a cotton swab or toothpick to gently remove them. Just be careful not to damage the keys in the process.

Once you’ve cleaned the keys, you can move on to cleaning the rest of the keyboard. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the surface of the keyboard. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies.

If you want to disinfect the keyboard, you can use a mild soap or disinfectant. Just be sure to rinse it off thoroughly afterwards.

Finally, once you’ve cleaned the keyboard, let it dry completely before plugging it back in and using it.

Cleaning a keyboard may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple. Just follow these simple steps and your keyboard will be looking and working like new in no time!

Here are some external resourses on how to clean a keyboard

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We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you keep your keyboard clean and maintained.

What is haptic keyboard?

A haptic keyboard is a type of keyboard that provides haptic feedback to the user. Haptic feedback is a tactile sensation that lets the user know that their input has been registered.

How to clean keyboard under keys?

Use a can of compressed air to blow crumbs and debris out from under the keys. You can also use a cotton swab or Q-tip to clean under the keys. Be sure to avoid getting any liquids on the keyboard.

How to clean keyboard keys?

To clean the keys, start by removing any debris with a can of compressed air or a cotton swab. Then, use a mild soap and water solution to clean the keys. Be sure to rinse the keys thoroughly and dry them before using the keyboard. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents, as they can damage the keys.


Freelancer, Blogger, Programmer, Traveller with years of experience in designing various Website using WordPress. I have been completed over 300+ projects for my various global clients. Also like to share my thoughts on differents topics including latest technologies, health & wellness, and more. Stay connected with our website to get regular insightful articles. Thanks, Sikder Md Arif